Back to School Skin Care, Simplified

Back to routine

You might be wondering what a mom and businesswoman could possibly have in common with a college student. But I recently had a chat with my good friend, Grace Goldstein, who’s currently juggling life as a student, part-time model and part-time auntie to my babes, and we discovered that we have a lot more in common than our mutual love of Starbucks. For starters, we are both super busy and constantly adjusting to changes life throws our way. Whether I’m scheduling meetings that fit into my mama agenda or Grace is choosing classes that work with her lifestyle, we both know that when it comes to setting routines and maintaining good habits, the simpler the better. That’s why we’re walking you through our fave go-to skin care routine that not only works, but it’s so easy you’ll actually stay consistent with it even with your busy day-to-day. 

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