Best of Skin Care Tools


This treatment instantly & painlessly removes unwanted women’s facial hair and peach fuzz, exfoliates skin to remove dead skin cells and buildup, preps skin for flawless makeup application & enables skin care products to better absorb.

Cleansing Tools

These tools cleanse and exfoliate in one step, preventing clogged pores by sonically removing dirt, oil and makeup while increasing absorption of skin care products.

Skin Care Infusion

A hydrating facial treatment that offers increased brightness, firmness & hydrating, and boosts performance of skin care products & sheet masks.


This process uses a fine-needle roller or pen device to create micro punctures, signaling the skin to produce collagen and increase elasticity. It also helps stimulate scalp circulation to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss, increase the absorption of skin care products, and reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.



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