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Add style to your mealtimes with vibrant bowls from Target. Find a wide variety of cereal bowls, dessert bowls, soup bowls or porcelain bowls. You can elevate your meals with bowls made of different materials too! Choose from stoneware, ceramic, wooden and porcelain to get the ideal bowl for you. Perfect for making healthy Açaí superfood bowls for breakfast or noodle bowls for lunch, and rice bowls for dinner, create dining experiences that are practical and unforgettable. They will also be available in a range of colors so you can mix and match with plates and cups so that the combinations look elegant and beautiful on your table, giving it a fresh look. The bowls at Target come with a variety of features like break-resistant, chip-resistant, dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe. Walk into a Target store or go online on to browse through a wide selection of bowls and find the perfect tableware for you.