Vegas Golden Knights : Dog Supplies
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Vegas Golden Knights : Dog Supplies
You love your dog unconditionally, and you know the feeling is mutual, thanks to plenty of face licking and tail wagging when you come home. We know you want to treat your pup to only the best products, whether it’s dog food, a dog bed or dog toys, so we carry everything you need to help keep your furry, four-legged friend happy and healthy. From plush loungers and orthopedic nappers to reversible cuddlers and cozy travel beds to Boots and Barkley pet apparel and dog bowls, Target has all the creature comforts to pamper dogs at home or on the go. We also have dog carriers and car seats, so you can take your pooch along on every outing. Be sure to take a quick look at Target’s collection of pet costumes if your dog loves to play dress-up (or just plays along). Our boomerangs, ball launchers and other dog toys are a perfect way to bond and provide the exercise your fur-baby needs. And for your daily walk (or two), we have all kinds of pet collars and leashes. As far as food goes, you can choose from our healthy selection of wet and dry dog food. Plus, we have a wide variety of bones, treats and biscuits from trusted brands like Iams, Milk-Bone and Kibbles ’n Bits. A well-groomed dog is a happy dog, so we also offer a full range of shampoos, deodorizing sprays, ear cleansers, nail clippers and more. For shelter and keeping Fido contained—two things that keep dogs comfy and cozy—take your pick from our dog crates, crate mats, kennels, expandable gates, doors and more. You can count on Target for variety, quality and savings when it comes to stocking up on all things canine.