Roller & Inline Skates
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Roller & Inline Skates
Whether you’re a pro skater or just like to unwind, Target’s range of roller skates has got your skating needs covered. Pick from top-of-the-line brands like Roller Derby and Rollerblade to own a pair of quality roller skates that last. Be it fitness, stress-relief or just an everyday routine, skates are a great way to let loose and keep active. From inline to classic roller skates, Target’s wide collection of skates has it all. There’s a whole variety of purely inline skates for men, women and kids in endless designs to pick from. Whatever be the wheel, style, color and size, you can find just about anything you might be looking for. Get colorful, themed roller skates for kiddos that are just starting out, or professional inline skates for those tough competitions. Quad combo inline skates are the best of both worlds -- giving you a taste of inline as well as classic roller skates! These skates can convert from quad roller to inline skates with a quick change of frame. They’re a great way for beginners to get into skating without having to pick their wheel style from the start. So, level up your old skates or get your very first pair with Target’s skate collection.