@klf_skincare Happy Saint Patrick’s Day☘️ Today is a very exciting post because I received the large size of the Hero cosmetics Rescue Bomb with the green tint from my target order. This is a dupe… or an even better option in my opinion to the Dr. Jart Cicapair Cream. This stuff works like magic! If you have struggle with rosacea, redness or inflamed breakouts, a tiny bit of this will work wonders for you! I couldn’t be more please with this product. It’s something I will always have in my collection and I’m so ecstatic they came out with a bigger size!✨ #herocosmetics #rescuebalm #skincare #newskincare #redness #rednessrelief #fragrancefree #happysaintpatricksday #green #gold #aesthetic #productreview #target #targetskincare #postblemish #skincareroutine #newskincare