About this item
- Church in Society is a refreshing and inspiring read, compelling both believers and non-believers to value religious rights.
- Author(s): Don Hutchinson B a J D
- 240 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Biblical Studies
About the Book
This book is about looking forward to a future neighbourhood, city, nation, and world influenced by the way we live our lives, person by person, Christian by Christian, congregation by congregation, denomination by denomination, as the Church in society.Book Synopsis
Church in Society is a refreshing and inspiring read, compelling both believers and non-believers to value religious rights. Don's discerning message is a timely voice to both church and society.
--Mary-Elsie Wolfe
Author, Pastor, Speaker
Don Hutchinson provides a sound rationale for the importance of Christian participation in helping shape a shared society focused on the common good. He extols Christian motivation, disapproves apathetic disinterest, and provides a practical guide for Christian engagement with public policy. A good read for those ready to reconsider the continuing value of the relationship between church and state.
--Willard Metzger
Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice
Like much of twenty-first-century Christianity, we have been influenced by the changing society in which we live. What if we could reverse that influence so that instead of changes in society influencing us, as Christians we influenced the changes in society?
The first-century writers of the New Testament reveal a Christianity that adapted within its culture--even today, we Christians look like those around us. The early Christians lived a lifestyle that influenced changes in their society until over time the cultural shape of the Western world was referred to as having a Judeo-Christian heritage.
What if instead of nostalgically looking back, like the Israelites on their journey from Egypt longing for a time that perhaps never really was, we deliberately chose to learn the lessons chronicled by Christian citizens of the first century and look forward? This book is about looking forward to a future neighbourhood, city, nation, and world influenced by the way we live our lives, person by person, Christian by Christian, congregation by congregation, denomination by denomination, as the Church in society.
Citizenship is about more than politics, and Christian citizenship is about even more.
Review Quotes
Like a fine diamond, Don Hutchinson has highlighted the multifaceted responsibilities we carry as dual citizens, bringing heaven to earth for the benefit of others. Like a master jeweller, he has polished important gems of Scripture and society, giving clarity for the reader to better see the redemptive role of the Church in society. A must-read for those with interest in societal change.
--Barry Boucher
Founding Pastor, Lifecentre, Ottawa
Don Hutchinson has not only given Christians advice for public engagement but also how to practice a Christian life. Walk the walk and talk the talk!
--Janet Epp Buckingham
Director, Laurentian Leadership Centre,
Professor, Trinity Western University
Don Hutchinson is one of the most steadfast Christian leaders I know seeking to bridge the gap between people of faith and our nation's public square. His storytelling style and compelling illustrations give deep insights for anyone seeking to make a tangible difference in Canada today. Thank you, Don!
--Faytene Grasseschi
TV Host, Advocate, Author, Speaker
Don Hutchinson provides a sound rationale for the importance of Christian participation in helping shape a shared society focused on the common good. He extols Christian motivation, disapproves apathetic disinterest, and provides a practical guide for Christian engagement with public policy. A good read for those ready to reconsider the continuing value of the relationship between church and state.
--Willard Metzger
Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice
Don Hutchinson draws on the wisdom and experience of first-century Christians to disciple twenty-first-century Christians into lives of personal significance that really matter. Hutchinson paints an attractive picture of a holistic and faithful Christian way of life.
--John Pellowe
CEO, Canadian Council of Christian Charities
Don Hutchinson is a tactical storyteller and Church in Society combines an interesting mix of biblical stories, tidbits from Canadian history, and autobiographical insights into a reflection on understanding citizenship as solidarity with our neighbours. The mix of personal and professional keeps the pace moving and challenges the reader to get beyond the easy answers into more nuanced challenges that face Canadian Christians in our twenty-first-century context.
--Ray Pennings
Executive Vice-President and Co-Founder, Cardus
Church in Society convinces Christian readers that our rights and responsibilities as citizens need to be shalom-based as we seek to be salt and light in a society that no longer presumes the public benefit of religious advancement. Don Hutchinson recounts life experiences, convicting his readers to remember our first responsibility mandated in Genesis--to be stewards of all that we have been given. He masterfully challenges twenty-first-century readers to reflect on first-century insight. Don's research is credibly engaging, as is his passion for the contribution that Christian faith brings to a nation. Church in Society is a refreshing and inspiring read, compelling both believers and non-believers to value religious rights. Don's discerning message is a timely voice to both church and society.
--Mary-Elsie Wolfe
Author, Pastor, Speaker