Companion Workbook to Life in Its Rawest Form - by Qiana Hicks (Paperback)
About this item
- This Companion Workbook is a self-empowering guide filled with evidence-based techniques and methods to help you break the vicious cycle that has been passed down from generation to generation.
- Author(s): Qiana Hicks
- 164 Pages
- Self Improvement, General
About the Book
This Companion Workbook is a self-empowering guide filled with evidence-based techniques and methods to help you break the vicious cycle that has been passed down from generation to generation. Each chapter is equipped with information and strategies to guide you in taking control of your future and your destiny!Book Synopsis
This Companion Workbook is a self-empowering guide filled with evidence-based techniques and methods to help you break the vicious cycle that has been passed down from generation to generation. Each chapter is equipped with information and strategies to guide you in taking control of your future and your destiny! The workbook addresses common issues pertaining to impoverished communities with limited resources. Several topics relate to disadvantaged youth, at-risk youth, teen pregnancy, parents with drug and alcohol addictions, abuse, low education success rates and more. When used as intended, this workbook is sure to inspire you, uplift you, and improve your situation and circumstances.
This workbook will be your "toolkit" to guide you in setting attainable goals and creating plans and strategies that give you power over your past.
I'm putting my tools into your hands.
Use them, as instructed throughout the Companion Workbook, and watch how you'll be making better decisions that will lead to a brighter future. Whether you're a child, a youth, or an adult, you'll learn how to proactively seek opportunities that will make your life better and improve your circumstances.
Others who will benefit from the Companion Workbook ...
Family services agencies, educators, foster homes, group home staff and administrators, mentors, youth advocates, community outreach programs, those who work with disadvantaged youth, youth who are at risk, teen parents, drug-and alcohol-addicted parents, family members or friends of families battling drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Companion Workbook will help you help others to break away from destructive and disruptive influences that practically guarantee that the cycle repeats for yet another generation. It will help family and friends of drug- or alcohol-addicted loved ones know how to help them.
Seven chapters that will inspire you, uplift you, and improve your life...
Chapter 1. Families Battling Addiction
Chapter 2. Families In Transition
Chapter 3. Teenage Pregnancy
Chapter 4. Setting Goals
Chapter 5. Choosing The Right Role Model For You
Chapter 6. Leaving The Past In The Past
Chapter 7. Managing Your Emotions
The best part about owning the workbook is that you can use it regularly and share it with others so they can know how they can help you.