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- Technologische Ansätze zum Aufwachsen von Kristallen gewinnen in vielen Industriezweigen an Bedeutung.
- About the Author: Hans J. Scheel started the Scheel Consulting company in 2001 after retiring from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
- 694 Pages
- Science, Physics
Book Synopsis
Technologische Ansätze zum Aufwachsen von Kristallen gewinnen in vielen Industriezweigen an Bedeutung. Jetzt liegt erstmals ein Buch vor, das in der Literatur verstreute Informationen zu wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und technischer Umsetzung des Kristallwachstums sammelt und diskutiert.From the Back Cover
This volume deals with the technologies of crystal fabrication, of crystal machining, and of epilayer production and is the first book on industrial and scientific aspects of crystal and layer production. Highest-quality crystals and epitaxical layers form the base for many of industries technological advances, including telecommunication, computer and electric energy technology, and those technologies based on lasers and nonlinear-optic crystals. Furthermore, automobile electronics, audiovisual equipment and infrared night-vision all depend on high-quality crystals and epilayers, as do novel technologies currently in development and planned for the future. This book contains 29 contributions of leading crystal technologists covering the following topics:* General aspects of crystal growth technology
* Silicon
* Compound semiconductors
* Oxides and halides
* Crystal machining
* Epitaxy and layer deposition Scientific and technological problems of production and machining of industrial crystals are discussed by top experts, most of the m from the major growth industries and crystal growth centres. It is anticipated that this volume will serve all scientists and engineers involved in crystal and epilayer fabrication. In addition, it will be useful for the users of crystals, for teachers and graduate students in materials sciences, in electronic and other functional materials, chemical and metallurgical engineering, micro-and optoelectronics including nanotechnology, mechanical engineering and precision-machining, microtechnology, and in solid-state sciences. Also consultants and specialists will profit from this book, as will those interested in crystals, epilayers, and their production for saving energy (GaN- and SiC-based high-power electronics and light-emitting diodes for illumination) and for renewable energy sources (economic high-efficiency solar cells and forthcoming laser-fusion energy).
About the Author
Hans J. Scheel started the Scheel Consulting company in 2001 after retiring from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Starting out with a chemical background, he has more than 40 years of experience with crystal growth and epitaxy in university as well as industry. For his achievements in bulk crystal growth and epitaxy technologies, he received awards from IBM and from Swiss, British, Korean Crystal Growth Associations, was elected member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, and received his D.Sc. from Tohoku University, Japan. He is co-author and editor of 6 books, author of more than 100 publications and patents, has organized international workshops on crystal technology and has been visiting professor at Osaka and Tohoku Universities, Japan, as well as Shandong University, China.
Tsuguo Fukuda is the editor of Crystal Growth Technology, published by Wiley.