About this item
- From America's most trusted financial advisor comes a comprehensive guide to a new and utterly sane financial choice.
- Author(s): Stephen Pollan & Mark Levine
- 320 Pages
- Business + Money Management, Personal Finance
About the Book
A spectacular national bestseller, "Die Broke" has changed the way millions of people think about their money. Controversial and revolutionary, the book redesigns personal finance strategy, urging readers to spend money while they are alive; consider themselves first in the workplace; and pick a new career after retiring.Book Synopsis
From America's most trusted financial advisor comes a comprehensive guide to a new and utterly sane financial choice. In Die Broke, you'll learn that life is a game where the loser gives his money to Uncle Sam at the end. There are four steps to the process:
Quit Today
No, don't tell your boss to shove it...at least not out loud. But in your head accept that from this day on you're a free agent whose number one workplace priority is your personal bottom line.
Pay Cash
You should be as conscious of spending as you are of saving. Credit should be a rarely used tool for those few times (buying homes and cars) when paying cash is impossible.
Don't Retire
Your work life should be a journey up and down hills, rather than a climb up a sheer cliff that ends with a jump into the abyss.
Die Broke
It sounds terrifying, the one intolerable outcome to your financial life. And yet, in truth, dying broke might be your best option for a life without fear: fear of failure and privation now, fear of impoverishment in the long run.
Review Quotes
"Smoothly written...a treasure chest of financial advice." -- "USA Today""If you're unhappy with conventional thinking about how we live and plan our lives, this book will speak to you." -- Scott Burns, "Dallas Morning News"""Die Broke is more than a guide to personal finance, it's a code of values, many of which run contrary to instinct."-- "Sales and Marketing Management