Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith - (Through the Eyes of Faith Series) by Russell Howell (Paperback)
About this item
- Ina new addition to the groundbreaking "Through the Eyes of Faith" series, thenation's top Christian professors approach mathematics from a Christianperspective.
- Author(s): Russell Howell
- 288 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Religion & Science
- Series Name: Through the Eyes of Faith Series
About the Book
Ina new addition to the groundbreaking "Through the Eyes of Faith" series, thenation's top Christian professors approach mathematics from a Christianperspective. Co-sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faithaddresses the Christianstudent's need to bring science into accord with faith. This deeply insightfuland penetrating exploration of secular scholarship and spiritual pedagogydemonstrates how the discipline of mathematics penetrates the very core issuesof human existence, and illustrates how math contributes to the construction ofa consistent Christian worldview.Book Synopsis
Ina new addition to the groundbreaking "Through the Eyes of Faith" series, thenation's top Christian professors approach mathematics from a Christianperspective. Co-sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith addresses the Christianstudent's need to bring science into accord with faith. This deeply insightfuland penetrating exploration of secular scholarship and spiritual pedagogydemonstrates how the discipline of mathematics penetrates the very core issuesof human existence, and illustrates how math contributes to the construction ofa consistent Christian worldview.From the Back Cover
Mathematics from a Christian perspective
With respect for the history and ever-changing applications of mathematicalprinciples, James Bradley and Russell Howell, along with a team of fellowscholars, invite readers to consider the rich intersection of mathematics andChristian belief. Citizens of the twenty-first century generally believe that mathematics is all about numbers and formulas, with no religious significance--an attitude that belies the faith-based work of thinkers from Plato to Newton.It is time to reawaken our sensitivity to the vital spiritual matters raised bythe study of mathematics, a discipline that demands profound thought andhelps us understand the beauty and the order of our physical world.
Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith explores questions such as:
- What is the relationship between chance and divine providence?
- Do concepts like infinity point beyond themselves to a higher reality?
- Is mathematics discovered or invented, and why is it effective in the sciences?
This comprehensive work, one in a series of cosponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, is designed to help students and teachers understand how mathematics has evolved and how the interplay of mathematics and Christian belief can enrich the study of both.