About this item
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- Author(s): Ron Lopez
- 220 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Biblical Commentary
Book Synopsis
1. The phenomenon "One: the Present Truth-Spirit Matrix" is claimed to be a Holy Spirit's dossier. It is an ethereal tsunami that challenges what was once Christian reasoning. Another realm becomes articulated. It is a behind-the-scenes of man's salvation, the covert missions, light challenging darkness's cunning. This viewpoint is of an alternate stratus, a colossal exposure from a spirit messenger's influence, the writings principle, a "no holds barred" approach.
2. One-spirit matrix addresses most all the spirit answers I've ever doubted. As a Christian, this is now the most important book that I own other than my dusted-off Bible. It explains so many biblical enigmas; it is a miracle that so much is covered. After years of not buying into religious illogic, I quit hopping churches. I was accused of backsliding. This book revived my interest and trust in God and the Bible again. It does not confuse incidents. It actually reveals deceptions being promulgated. I again am a professing Christian. The matrix mainly applies logic and reason.
3.As a seminarian, I find this work most intriguing; thing is, I believe most all of it. There is more sense made here than in my "take it by faith" studies. All my secret doubts have vaporized. I would love to learn more; I've basked in rereading this dossier several times. I have it highlighted like my Bible. It demands your complete consideration. This clarifies meanings of so many events. It is as though a veil has been rent in two. I now see Jesus in everything. There is no more a quest for meaning; it all makes sense now. The bullets on the back cover a fraction. There is so much more deciphered.
4. I am a PK, after having read this dossier; I lay awake rethinking my life's conditioned beliefs. I'm perturbed actually; there is no reason our institutions couldn't have discovered these realities. I now realize that I am a royal priest in training. Reality has landed, I am already seeing changes on so many levels. The Bible is now a grand cinema wherein I see and understand God's master plan with Paul's clarity. The spirit wars revealed are too mammoth to have been missed by possibly every denomination. We have been blinded. Either these truths have been recklessly missed, or we are being misled intentionally, which I now suspect the latter.
5. "The present truth" exposes deep mysteries of covert missions given to both Adams. They both died for their bride's sake; they truly had parallel missions. The reader is privileged to have an eagle's view of the Bible from a spirit's vantage point. This spirit's reveal is unlike any other than the Bible. The reader is suddenly swept into a spirit dimension where men are pieces in a chess-type match. This alternate reality reveals men being manipulated by darkness's "interference." You become initiated into a matrix knowledge zone. Had our ministers taught us these truths, I believe the planet would be different.