
Out of Time - by Steve Aspin


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  • In Out of Time: The Intergenerational Abduction Program Explored, author Steve Aspin has written a crossover work about the enduring worldwide reports of alien abduction.
  • Author(s): Steve Aspin
  • 336 Pages
  • Body + Mind + Spirit, Parapsychology


About the Book

In Out of Time - The Intergenerational Abduction Program Explored, author Steve Aspin writes a crossover work about the enduring worldwide reports of alien abduction.

Book Synopsis

In Out of Time: The Intergenerational Abduction Program Explored, author Steve Aspin has written a crossover work about the enduring worldwide reports of alien abduction. The book is intended for both those familiar with the historic published case material and the curious reader unfamiliar with the decades of serious academic research on this superficially improbable phenomenon.

The author details his lifelong personal experience and the relationships he built with leading researchers during 15 years of investigating this phenomenon. He has at all times attempted to approach the subject with critical thoroughness and intellectual rigour. From stumbling on a cattle mutilation in Ireland in 1970, to witnessing a UFO after a period of missing time at age 16 in 1972, to a confrontational experience in a Sardinia hotel in 2006, the author relates a lifetime of 'anomalous' experiences.

But this is only the starting point of the journey the reader of Out of Time will make. Steve then details several years of investigation into the subject and how what he has learned has shaped his thoughts on what is happening to perhaps millions of people worldwide. He had the good fortune to meet with several leading researchers in the field including Budd Hopkins and Dr David Jacobs and read hundreds of published works on the subject of UFOs and abductions. He has attempted to bring hard forensic evidence to the discussion and to follow that evidence where it may lead, paying particular attention to the clearly intergenerational aspect of the global abduction program which he demonstrates, with corroborating evidence, almost certainly dates from the 1890s.

His conclusions will be of interest to anyone attentive to this field of study. Whether inevitably proved right or wrong, they stem from a conscious effort to bring objectivity and honesty to the analysis of this widely-reported phenomenon. Although successfully normalised in popular culture to become background noise or a minor comic footnote in otherwise busy lives, this subject has real and serious implications for both the individual experiencer and human society collectively.

Review Quotes

If you have time to read only one book on abductions, I recommend Out of Time by Steve Aspin. The author brings to this work personal experience, a medical-scientific background, and an intense energy. He has spent years interviewing seemingly everyone who has seriously studied this phenomenon ... his theory of the multi-generational nature of the phenomenon seems right on target, and he differentiates between individuals who are part of 'the program' and those accidently exposed to it. His hypotheses are well considered and accurate. The section on bodily implants is outstanding ... an extraordinary book.

Ron Westrum, PhD

Professor of Sociology (retired), Eastern Michigan University

Author, Complex Organizations; Technologies and Society


Out of Time is unquestionably one of the most important books on the alien abduction subject ever written. Intelligent, articulate, and deeply analytical, Steve Aspin presents not only an intriguing summary of his personal, lifelong encounters with determined non-human entities, but also provides an insightful examination of their intentions, strategies and goals. Readers new to the topic, as well as those very familiar with it, will benefit greatly from this book.

Robert Hastings

Author, UFOs and Nukes


This fascinating and heartfelt book tells the story of the author's lifetime of anomalous experiences, and his relentless quest for answers about a phenomenon so bizarre, surreal and abstract, that it may forever defy our attempts to understand it. An insider's account of the alien abduction mystery, and of some of the world's foremost investigators of these extraordinary accounts.

Nick Pope

UK Ministry of Defence (retired)

Author, Open Skies, Closed Minds; The Uninvited


A truly magnificent work relating to UFO Abductions. The author has painstakingly provided the reader a dissection into this ages-old mystery, looking at why these abductions occur and their possible purpose. A masterpiece of thought and deduction; a must read.

Malcolm Robinson

Founder, Strange Phenomena Investigations; multiply-published author


I've known Steve for many years. He's not only a good friend but a keen intellect with terrific knowledge of the phenomenon. This book is a vital part of the legacy of abduction research.

David Jacobs, PhD

Professor of History (retired), Temple University, Philadelphia

Author, The UFO Controversy in America; Secret Life; The Threat; Walking Among Us


Even with 40 years of investigation into the abduction phenomenon, I was unprepared for the depth and breadth of insights captured in Steve Aspin's remarkable book Out of Time. Not a wasted word or misdirected thought will be found in these pages ... a brilliantly researched, impressively documented, objectively related account of what is perhaps the greatest mystery facing the human race. Out of Time is one of the most important contributions ever to the world of UFO literature. I implore you to read it: if you do, your perception of the world around you may never be the same.

Peter Robbins

Author, investigative writer, long-time assistant to Budd Hopkins, weekly host of Meanwhile, Here on Earth


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