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Q: Goof evening, i have a question regarding the format of 3D/Blu-Ray/Digital. Does that format really include the digital copy?
A: Hello! Regarding your question about the Spider-Man Homecoming: Yes the UPC for that listing is listed as including the digital copy as well. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact your local Target store.
submitted byPatrick - 2 years agoTarget expert support
Q: Can this be used in a regular DVD player?
A: Hi, Angel! Regarding your question about the Spider-Man Homecoming: Only the DVD version listed on this item page can be played on DVD players. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Target.com at 1-800-591-3869 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byTaylor - 3 years agoTarget expert support
Q: Does this movie come with a slip cover
A: No, it is just the plastic case.
submitted bymicrogal56 - 7 years ago
Q: Will this play on a dvd player or does it need a blu ray player?
A: since this pack has both dvd and blu ray you can use dvd or blu ray
submitted byMCU fan - 7 years ago
Q: I have the same question as previous person....does this include the DVD as stated in the description? (4k set)
A: Guessing they corrected this since you asked. No only options for DVD is regular DVD version or the digital bluray dvd combo. Plans to phase out DVD all together is expected by end of 2018 though as well as 3D due to TV manufacturers dropping 3D options on TV.
submitted byJP - 7 years ago
Q: Are you sure the DVD comes with this too?
A: I guess it doesn't. The box art, which for some reason they aren't showing yet, only says 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray & Digital at the top. So, they need to correct the title info.
submitted bygumperman - 7 years ago
Q: Is this combo pack exclusive to Target? I can't find a 4K that includes DVD anywhere. I just want to make sure DVD is included with the 4K
A: Guessing they corrected this since you asked. No only options for DVD is regular DVD version or the digital bluray dvd combo. Plans to phase out DVD all together is expected by end of 2018 though as well as 3D due to TV manufacturers dropping 3D options on TV.
submitted byJP - 7 years ago
Q: Is the digital copy an iTunes copy or ultraviolet? I would like to know before I pre-order.
A: If it is like previous MCU releases, the code gives you a choice of iTunes, Windows Media, or Disney's equivalent service.
submitted byGyarados66 - 7 years ago