About this item
- *100% and more of all the proceeds will be distributed to local churches to empower their business leaders and other nonprofit organizations.
- Author(s): Mike Rovner
- 178 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Christian Life
About the Book
Supernatural Business will nudge, challenge, and inspire you. It will help you change the equation from how our work benefits us to how it moves God's kingdom forward and helps others.
Book Synopsis
*100% and more of all the proceeds will be distributed to local churches to empower their business leaders and other nonprofit organizations.*
Your business can be even more than you can imagine.
Supernatural Business is a book of miracles and supernatural lessons for you. It will speak to your heart, challenge, and inspire you. Mike Rovner, one of the top businessmen in Southern California, has spent a lifetime in business learning the keys of how God powerfully operates in the business world. This book is the product of everything God has taught him.
Do you want more miracles in your life and business? This book is for you. Real stories, about a real God, supernaturally guiding a yielded man. It's like having answers to a test ahead of time--a way to shorten your learning curve toward having a supernatural business--and changing the very atmosphere of your organization from something constrained to the natural into something empowered by the supernatural.
In this book, you will discover how to:
- Dramatically increase your capacity and find the true currency for success
- Remake your best human efforts into something far greater through the power of God
- Build a team and keep it together for the long term
- Apply supernatural strategies, insights, goals, actions, and see results
- Depend on God as your ultimate source for wisdom and favor
- Achieve genuine balance in your life
- Amplify the strengths already within you and highlight the principles found in your own Bible
"The Lord is placing godly business ideas and business innovators like Mike Rovner in the marketplace to show what is possible when a business operates on the supernatural principles found in Supernatural Business. God is moving and He is blessing those who make Him the center of all they do. This book that will take your business to the next level." --Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor, Free Chapel, New York Times Best-Selling Author
"My friend, Mike Rovner, has flourished in the business arena by operating in God's ways and wisdom. In Supernatural Business, Mike will infuse you with faith so that you can powerfully occupy your sphere of influence and experience God's supernatural work in your own business and life." --John Bevere, Best-Selling Author and Minister, Co-founder, Messenger International
Review Quotes
A growing business is an outcome of a growing leader. My friend Mike Rovner takes you on his growth journey in Supernatural Business. His transparency and vulnerability will capture you and keep you engaged. It will make you reflect on your own life and give you great confidence in how to live and do business supernaturally. You'll love this book so much that you will want to share it with all your leader friends. Great book! -Sam Chand, Leadership Consultant, Author of New Thinking--New Future
Mike Rovner is the leading voice both in the marketplace and in the church. His humility, character, faith, and heart for the local church are second to none. Truly, he is a king and a priest. Mike Rovner runs a successful business and functions as both pastor and elder in our church, managing all aspects with excellence. He and Janet are absolutely a model for anyone in the marketplace. From businessman to pastor, this book is for you. Supernatural Business: A Better Plan is sure to change your life, your business, and your local church. -Jude Fouquier, Pastor, The City Church
The stories in this book are inspiring, and the breakthrough strategies are life changing. -Bob Harrison, "Dr. Increase" (TM)
Supernatural Business is an inspiring read that will open your eyes to what it means to thrive in the marketplace. In it, Mike Rovner unlocks the keys to success, launching you and your business through God's wisdom. -Phil Hotsenpiller, Founder, Influence Church, President, New York Executive Coaching Group
God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life--and business. Supernatural Business is a book of miracles and supernatural insights that will help your business succeed. You will learn how to build a great team, walk in unquestioned integrity, and make better financial decisions. Mike Rovner has lived every step of the lessons he shares and has dedicated this book to your supernatural success. -John Mason, Author of numerous best-selling books including An Enemy Called Average
Mike Rovner's Supernatural Business is much more than a business book. Beyond Mike's outline for key value attributes to run his successful business, Mike elevates the very reason and purpose to run a business in the first place. Beyond a profit/loss statement, Mike's MRC company serves as an engine to provide opportunities and improve the lives of its employees, vendors, and clients, and contribute its skills, money, and efforts to his ministries. The nature of his learned lessons will be valuable to readers despite what stage they are in their career. Beyond business, Mike offers insightful life lessons as well. Mike's character and faith resonate through the words in his book. Having worked with Mike for several years, I can attest that Mike really "walks the talk." -Timothy O'Brien, Senior Managing Director, Legacy Partners
Mike Rovner is the real deal. The principles and amazing stories in this book are the WHAT and HOW he used to grow his business, profits, and influence. From these principles, I've witnessed his business grow tenfold since I've been privileged to coach Mike, starting in 2006. Read and apply this book's powerful principles and expect to dramatically grow! -Tim Redmond, CEO, RedmondGrowth.com
For years, I've been saying we need a million business leaders with the Kingdom mind-set, revelation, and authority that Mike Rovner carries. Not only has he weaponized his wealth for great eternal consequence, but he has leveraged it to restore lives and deliver tangible hope across every sphere of society. I'm so grateful his journey of faith and inspiring testimony has been documented in Supernatural Business. -Dominic Russo, Founder, Missions.Me and 1Nation1Day