The Most Hilarious, Bizarre and Unusual Correctional Stories Ever Told - by Dan M Reynolds (Paperback)
About this item
- Everyone working in corrections has a story to tell, but why try to publish them when no one will believe it?
- Author(s): Dan M Reynolds
- 124 Pages
- Biography + Autobiography, Criminals & Outlaws
About the Book
DAN REYNOLDS has over thirty years of correctional experience and has traveled all over the United States as a consultant, conducting prison audits and inspections. During his visits, correctional employees typically swap hilarious and bizarre correctional stories; so sit back, relax, and be entertained by the top fifty stories that made it.Book Synopsis
Everyone working in corrections has a story to tell, but why try to publish them when no one will believe it? Well, the long-awaited book of hilarious and bizarre correctional stories ever told is finally here. Read and learn about the actual events that took place in our American prisons. DAN REYNOLDS has over thirty years of correctional experience and has traveled all over the United States as a consultant, conducting prison audits and inspections. During his visits, correctional employees typically swap hilarious and bizarre correctional stories; so sit back, relax, and be entertained by the top fifty stories that made it. Not all the stories are hilarious, nor bizarre or unusual. No actual names of states, facilities, or individuals are used.
DAN M. REYNOLDS is a retired warden/administrator from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections and currently serves as a consultant for the American Correctional Association. He is the author of On the Other Side of the Bars: Lessons Learned as a Prison Warden/Administrator; Caged Wisdom: Learning to See Through the Bars; Oklahoma Prison Riots and What God Wants You To Know.
Reynolds earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice in 1980 from Central State University. He also received a master's degree with honors in criminal justice administration and management in 2005 from the University of Central Oklahoma.
He is a member of the American and Oklahoma Correctional Associations and the North American Association of Wardens & Superintendents.