About this item
- In The Versatile Leader, Msuega Tese offers twelve metaphors for effective leadership spanning a broad spectrum of strategic and tactical situations.
- Author(s): Msuega Tese
- 216 Pages
- Business + Money Management, Consumer Behavior
Book Synopsis
In The Versatile Leader, Msuega Tese offers twelve metaphors for effective leadership spanning a broad spectrum of strategic and tactical situations.
As a starting point, the physician's diagnosis helps uncover the strategic status. The architect makes a realistic plan for the new organization as builders erect structures that transition startups to the growth stage. Engineers solve existential problems and contribute to continuous improvement. Finally, entrepreneurs obtain excellent results by taking ownership, being optimistic, and taking appropriate risks.
On a tactical level, journalists glean information essential for daily operations. Coaches understand the importance of training and delegation. Parents are concerned with the long-term survival of the family line as Judges create a culture of truth and fairness. Pilots know how to navigate turbulent situations. Soldiers are disciplined, courageous, and loyal. Finally, diplomats are good at dealing with sensitive situations.
Each of the twelve metaphors is helpful to leaders at different moments. The metaphor-based leadership builds off the concept of situational leadership. It encourages leaders to learn and adapt with integrity continuously. In addition, this approach brings synergy to a team, regardless of size or type.
Review Quotes
"There are many published books on leadership, but The Versatile Leader is one of a kind and stands out differently. Its structure is simple, attractive, and inspirational in many respects. I certainly recommend it. I have known Tese for nearly thirty years, and his authentic take on leadership resonates through every chapter. He has unpacked and shared his life lessons in this book with illustrations from day-to-day life. What's more, the references to African proverbs and scripture are delightful."
-Josephine Falade
Pharmacist and lecturer, UCL School of Pharmacy London, United Kingdom
"This business book is very engaging and authentic. As I read it, I realized that while working with Tese, I was learning about The Versatile Leader firsthand! What a privilege! The real-life events and examples bring home the points, making it easier for the reader to grasp the content. A considerable part of what I know today about leadership and management came from these teachings. Yet I know you did not clone me. Instead, you have prepared me well to be the successful businessman I am today. In addition, these principles have given me the confidence to handle, effectively, countless challenging situations. Thank you, Tese, for making such a significant impact on my career!"
-Guilherme Guerra
Managing partner, Consulang Luanda, Angola
"The Versatile Leader reads like a novel with a rare combination of humor, practical life stories, and concepts that are easy to remember. Still, it has the capacity to completely alter the way you think and lead. By drawing from diverse contexts of life and business, you'll find a personal connection with it that will surprise you."
-Bulus Silas Bossan
International vice president, The Navigators Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
"The Versatile Leader is a highly relevant and practical book for entrepreneurs. It was easy to read, and I found certain aspects particularly interesting. First, I enjoyed the African proverb starter for each chapter. It gave me perspective and increased my interest in what I was about to read. My favorite proverb is: 'A chameleon that wants to survive from the burning bush must abandon the majestic walk of its ancestors.' Second, the personal stories added more profound meaning to the book's message. Third, the author presented ideas that have been tested on the streets of life. Finally, this book has helped me appreciate the importance of the Bible in leadership."
-Jonathan I. Hussaini
Founder, Globe Cabs Services Abuja, Nigeria
"A handful of books have helped shape my perspective on life. I am honored to include The Versatile Leader as one of them. As an entrepreneur, husband, and father, I can find in the book nuggets of wisdom in every role I play and every season of my life. So, along with the Bible, I envision this book will become an essential handbook as I navigate the different seasons of business ownership."
-Mayan Marshall
Co-owner, Uzima Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States