What, Then, Is Liturgy? - (Pueblo Books) by Anscar J Chupungco (Paperback)
About this item
- Father Anscar Chupungco fondly recalls his first class as a student at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in 1965.
- Author(s): Anscar J Chupungco
- 272 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Christian Rituals & Practice
- Series Name: Pueblo Books
About the Book
Chupungco cautions us to remember: At the end of the day what matters are not personal opinions but what truly contributes to making the prayer of the Church an encounter with the person of Christ. It is this most sacred encounter that is at the heart of What, Then, Is Liturgy? And it is this encounter that will lead us day by day to the ultimate heavenly liturgy, our eternal and perfect offering of praise to God.Book Synopsis
Father Anscar Chupungco fondly recalls his first class as a student at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in 1965. Professor Salvatore Marsili 'famed theologian, liturgist, and cofounder of the institute 'entered the lecture hall, and after a prolonged and awkward silence finally asked, And so, what is liturgy?
This seemingly simple question underlies Chupungco's untiring love for liturgy and his lifetime of searching for answers. His is a passion deeply rooted in tradition, which is evident in this volume. Relying on Scripture, patristic writers, and conciliar and postconciliar documents 'and with great skill, prudence, and the fundamental virtue of obedience 'he carefully examines current liturgical trends that are the subject of fierce debate. At a time when we focus so intently on the debate itself, Chupungco cautions us to remember: At the end of the day what matters are not personal opinions but what truly contributes to making the prayer of the Church an encounter with the person of Christ. It is this most sacred encounter that is at the heart of What, Then, Is Liturgy? And it is this encounter that will lead us day by day to the ultimate heavenly liturgy, our eternal and perfect offering of praise to God.
Anscar Chupungco is a Benedictine of the Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat in Manila. He is former president of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome, where he taught history of the liturgy and liturgical inculturation. Chupungco was Executive Secretary of the Philippine Episcopal Commission on Liturgy for eighteen years and is currently Secretary of the Asian Liturgy Forum. He has served as consultor to both the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, was a member of the Advisory Committee of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) for ten years, and for some time served as Chair of ICEL's Translations and ReVisions Subcommittee. Chupungco edited the five-volume Handbook for Liturgical Studies and is author of Liturgical Inculturation (both published by Liturgical Press), Cultural Adaptation of the Liturgy, and Liturgies of the Future.
Review Quotes
Anscar Chupungco's latest book offers a needed perspective in the midst of the present debates on the future of church life and liturgical reform. With the skills of a master teacher he reminds us of the central theological concerns underlying the last half-century of liturgical changes, offers thoughtful and balanced criticism of possible gaps and misdirections in implementing these changes, but most importantly provides a confident sense of hope for the future. Like Bernard Botte's From Silence to Participation, Fr. Anscar's 'musings and memoir' give us a vivid account of the thinking of those who shaped the post-Vatican II liturgical renewal in the light of its reception in varied cultures in the years since. Highly recommended for those who are seeking a scholarly yet accessible, principled yet irenic account of post-Vatican II Roman Rite liturgical reform in an era of liturgical polemics.Fr. Jan Michael Joncas
Associate Professor of Catholic
The genuine voice of Anscar Chupungco sounds in these pages--with the characteristic notes of deep fidelity to Catholic tradition, utter clarity, gracious wisdom, Benedictine humility, and gentle hints of humor. That voice is a treasure. Chupungco articulates a vital memory of the very heart of the liturgical movement and many of its formative leaders, and one slowly comes to see that he himself has been one such leader. He speaks a clear and authoritative criticism of the recently too frequent cases of liturgical reaction on the part of some Roman Catholic leaders, yet he loses neither hope nor dignity in the process. Reading this book, you will discover again the basic principles of Catholic liturgical reform and its ecumenical resonances. You will also be encouraged to sentire esse ecclesiam, to recover the empowered sense of being the church: yourself with others as you gather around the presence of Christ now in word and sacrament.Gordon W. Lathro
Anyone in a responsible ministerial role in the coming year would benefit greatly by studying these pages carefully.Pastoral Music
This is not your usual historical book on liturgy. It is, however, a chance for the reader to sit at the foot of a master teacher and liturgist, one who has taught well, lived the spirit of the gospel, and has dedicated his life to ensuring that history and pastoral practice enliven the faith and give us a glimpse of the heavenly liturgy.Emmanuel
What, Then, is Liturgy? Musings and Memoir has left me with a greater understanding and appreciation of the way we as Catholics celebrate our faith. It is also a timely work which should be read by all concerned with and involved in the current liturgical changes.Suzanne Sykes, M.A., Seat of Wisdom