Microwave-Safe for Reheating Only : Plates
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Microwave-Safe for Reheating Only : Plates
Hot dogs, chicago dogs or chilli dogs—no matter what you call them—are the ultimate crowd-pleasing treats. A favorite with kids & adults, these easy-to-prep & easy-to-eat snacks make the perfect choice for game day, outdoor cookouts & barbecues. Check out Target.com to pick up all-beef sausages, chicken Franks or skinless pork sausages to level up your hot dog recipe. Boost flavor with condiments like mustard, ketchup or chili sauce & finish with a helping of coleslaw, jalapenos, pickle, relish & of course, cheese! Try a new twist on an old favorite with recipes for Chicago-style hot dogs, chili dogs—and everything in between. A step up from a beef sandwich or beef burgers, try a New York-style hot dog with a topping of brown mustard, sauerkraut or onions sauteed in tomato paste. Or make a New Jersey Italian classic with soft buns loaded with meat with a topping of fried potatoes, peppers & onions.