About this item
- A Controversial KJV Bible Study based on Old Testament.You either fall in love with it or You hate it.Bible verses depicted from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.First recorded sin that led to the fall of the entire world in Genesis, to the bravery of Esther when she saved her people from Haman's evil plot, all the way to the second coming of Jesus in the book of Revelation.In this Study Bible for Women, you'll find: Every Study lesson starts out with reading scripture, then it goes into an explanation of the scripture, followed by discussion questions that women can discuss as a group.The journal questions at the end of each lesson allow each woman to look back and think about the beautiful things they have learned not only about God but also fantastic things they've learned about themselves each week.A bold Study Bible on KJV for Women, from the Best Selling Author Denise Gilmore
- Author(s): Denise Gilmore
- 216 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Biblical Studies
About the Book
A Controversial KJV Bible Study based on Old Testament.You either fall in love with it or You hate it.Bible verses depicted from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.
Book Synopsis
A Controversial KJV Bible Study based on Old Testament.You either fall in love with it or You hate it.Bible verses depicted from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.
First recorded sin that led to the fall of the entire world in Genesis, to the bravery of Esther when she saved her people from Haman's evil plot, all the way to the second coming of Jesus in the book of Revelation.
In this Study Bible for Women, you'll find:
- Every Study lesson starts out with reading scripture, then it goes into an explanation of the scripture, followed by discussion questions that women can discuss as a group.
- The journal questions at the end of each lesson allow each woman to look back and think about the beautiful things they have learned not only about God but also fantastic things they've learned about themselves each week.
A bold Study Bible on KJV for Women, from the Best Selling Author Denise Gilmore
Review Quotes
"The "Bible Study: 52-week KJV Bible for Women," is an excellent Bible study tool and resource. It is absolutely perfect for any woman to be able to take advantage of in order to get through the Bible in a consistent manner and to actually take some away from each and every single lesson! I will be the first to admit that I have never actually been able to read the Bible front to back, I have found it to be just a bit too difficult on many different levels and I found that I was "forcing" myself to read it simply to say that I had, and I was in actuality missing out on just so much. The good news is that I finally found an excellent resource that most definitely directed me, held my attention, and I took away so much more from the Bible using this than I ever would have on my own. If you are seeking an excellent Bible study resource guide, this is the book you need to get in order to get the very most out of the Bible in a fun and inspiring way! I absolutely loved this study and will be recommending it to all of my friends!" - Amy K. (Amazon)
"This devotional is such a great idea! I've always been intimidated by the concept of reading the bible in a year, but, of course, I've always wanted to. I think it's important to be thorough in God's word and that means studying all of it! We can learn so much by intently studying the good word. Plus, fellowship is so important. We learn more together. So to put the two drives together-- studying the bible deeper and building stronger fellowship-- can only mean success! Get a group of women together and take on this amazing women's bible study as a group to accomplish reading the bible in a year! Together you'll grow and blossom and learn so much. So far, we've been having an amazing time. Each day and each week, the workload feels totally doable despite our busy lives and we all look forward to getting together for our bible study meetings to discover so much about the bible we hadn't seen before. It's really a beautiful experience that can bring your church and your community closer together. I can't recommend this devotional highly enough!" - Dorri Fenstermaker (Amazon)
"Already from the first lines of the introduction, this book caught my attention for two reasons: curiosity and understanding. Many times I have tried to read the Bible and many times I have tried to understand how what I was reading could help me dealing with the events happening in the world inside and around me. This book is a journey for all the women that intend to learn more about God and themselves. It is very easy to read and well written - all chapters begin with a passage from the Bible that the author will then explain in a very simple way; it's well structured and gets you trough the pages, stimulating you with questions at the end of each section. Although, I found some questions redundant and some not applicable to all women, I enjoyed reflecting on the answers. I liked the cover of the book, which suggest quietude, essential element to fully appreciate the reading. I would definitely recommend this book." - Kasvia (Amazon)
"This book is so easy to read and relatable. If you are person who finds it hard to understand what is written in bible, then this book is for you! Its not only easy to read but the 52 week read journey of this book is so relatable! I loved reading it. Everything from the way it is written to visual appeal of the book is just eye catching. Perfect for some me-time read!" - Laleena ( Amazon)