About this item
- An essential interfaith resource for university chaplains and spiritual leaders in higher education.
- Author(s): Janet Fuller
- 216 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Prayer
About the Book
"An essential interfaith resource for university chaplains and spiritual leaders in higher education. In an increasingly heterogenous age, any university chaplains and spiritual leaders struggle to center their student communities, aware of vast diversities in their needs - the prayers of one tradition are rarely sufficient to honor the many paths their students may be travelling. With this heartfelt collection of interfaith prayers, Janet Fuller leverages the fruits of 40 years of chaplaincy to bridge this gap, offering sample prayers and spiritual direction for use across all communities of learning, from the first day of school to the bittersweet crossroads of graduation. Chaplains will find support for all the essential student struggles, including new beginnings, athletics, loneliness, and the search for hope. For use in part or whole, or as templates for other prayers, these blessings provide a voice for academic communities as they gather to give thanks, remember, and look to the future, all using language that commends itself to many spiritual paths or none at all. The prayers can also be adapted for chaplain use in hospitals, prisons, continuous care retirement communities, military gatherings, and many others. In a time when many exhibit a disinclination to hear with ears or hearts, Blessing the Students invites readers to listen closely to the power of prayer"--Book Synopsis
An essential interfaith resource for university chaplains and spiritual leaders in higher education.
In an increasingly heterogenous age, any university chaplains and spiritual leaders struggle to center their student communities, aware of vast diversities in their needs - the prayers of one tradition are rarely sufficient to honor the many paths their students may be travelling. With this heartfelt collection of interfaith prayers, Janet Fuller leverages the fruits of 40 years of chaplaincy to bridge this gap, offering sample prayers and spiritual direction for use across all communities of learning, from the first day of school to the bittersweet crossroads of graduation. Chaplains will find support for all the essential student struggles, including new beginnings, athletics, loneliness, and the search for hope.
For use in part or whole, or as templates for other prayers, these blessings provide a voice for academic communities as they gather to give thanks, remember, and look to the future, all using language that commends itself to many spiritual paths or none at all. The prayers can also be adapted for chaplain use in hospitals, prisons, continuous care retirement communities, military gatherings, and many others. In a time when many exhibit a disinclination to hear with ears or hearts, Blessings for Your Students invites readers to listen closely to the power of prayer.
Review Quotes
"A beautiful meditation on the power of naming and the opportunity to reflect deeply, across all axes of differences, on college and university campuses today."-- "Wendy Cadge, professor of sociology, Brandeis University and author of Spiritual Care: The Everyday Work of Chaplains"
"As an organization committed to advancing the field of higher education chaplaincy and supporting chaplains, we are thrilled an additional resource of interfaith blessings and prayers exists. This book encapsulates Janet Fuller's decades of higher education chaplaincy, her dedication to interfaith work, and her deep love for students. This inclusive, passionate, and sacred book will be a useful tool for countless chaplains."-- "Board of Directors, Association for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Life in Higher Education (ACSLHE)"
"I've known Jan for several years as a chaplain at a a major university in North Carolina. She is a deeply wise and spiritually centered person, and these prayers and blessings that come from her heart will be a great gift to both students and chaplains alike."-- "Michael B Curry, Presiding Bisho of the Episcopal Church and author of Love is the Way and The Power of Love"
"Jan Fuller brings her exquisite craft, her deep wisdom and her wide-ranging interfaith experience together in this book of prayers. May this beautiful text help spiritual life become an essential part of the college experience for the whole campus."-- "Eboo Patel, founder and president, Interfaith America"
"Jan's prayers are truly exceptional. This book gives college and university leaders and chaplains an extraordinary resource. When you are trying to find the right words for important campus celebrations or devastating community losses, this is an invaluable resource, as well as inspiration for your own spiritual centering."-- "Nancy Oliver Gray, president emerita, Hollins University"
"May the blessings in this marvelous volume be heard by all those who deserve them--which is all of us. The two prayers 'A Vision for a New Class' and 'For the Wonder of Music' alone are enough to have the volume open on your desk or nightstand and there are many, many more within."-- "Bill Gordh, director of expressive arts and chapel at The Episcopal School in the City of New York and author of Building a Children's Chapel: One Story at a Time"
"Speaking sacred words in religiously diverse and secular spaces is one of the persistent challenges of contemporary higher education chaplaincy. not only are Fuller's blessings inclusive and adaptable, they're also rhetorically elegant--a wonderful resource for the field!"-- "Adam Kirtley, interfaith chaplain of Whitman College"
"The gift of Dr. Jan Fuller's words to inspire other Chaplains and those called on to provide blessings on campus will be a wonderful resource. Blessings is a powerful teaching tool for all those who find themselves at the microphone with a desire to be inclusive and share the impactful presence of love in our work on college campuses."-- "Dr Connie Book, President of Elon University"
"This volume contains a master class in multifaith college chaplaincy, taught by one of the greats in the field. I have already begun using it in my teaching of Jewish seminarians."-- "Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, associate professor emiritus of Religious Studis at Reconstructionst Rabbinical College"