About this item
- Covers mechanical and electrical failures
- Fast repairs and replacements
- No deductibles or hidden fees
- Cancel anytime (full refund within first 30 days)
Visit Allstateprotectionplans.com/target for Terms & Conditions
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Q: I ordered the Gazelle Edge on 11/27 along with the 2 year protection plan. I have received the Edge but not the protection plan that was to be sent via email. Please advise.
A: Hi, we can definitely send your contract for you. Please send your account details to socialhelps@squaretrade.com. ^JD
submitted byResolutions Team - 7 years agoBrand expertA: Hi, we can certainly send the warranty contract. Please email your account details to socialhelps@squaretrade.com. ^JD
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 7 years agoBrand expert
Q: Does the protection plan warranty start after the HP one year manufacturer warranty expires ?
A: Hello AL, All extended protection plans, like your SquareTrade plan, cover you beyond the manufacturer's warranty period. If the manufacturer denies your claim, SquareTrade may be able to step in. Once this period ends, SquareTrade provides continued full coverage for your item so there are no gaps in coverage. regards, Ali
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 5 years agoBrand expert
Q: Hello, we just purchased a Moto g7 power on consumer Cellular service at Target. Can we buy protection plan from you? What will the protection plan cover. Thanks. Natta
A: Hello Natta, Thank you for reaching out to us. As the device is a Consumer Cellular phone, the SquareTrade protection plan will need to be purchased through Consumer Cellular as well. Consumer Cellular is one of our warranty re-sellers. I would advise you to contact them to purchase a protection plan for your phone and get the coverage details. The customer service number for Consumer Cellular is: (888) 345-5509. Regards, Kevin
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 5 years agoBrand expert
Q: Hi, can I buy this protection plan here for a fitbit device that I'm ordering directly at OEM's website?
A: Hello AM, Thank you for reaching out to us. SquareTrade offers warranties on brand new consumer electronics and home appliances purchased within the last 30 days. SquareTrade protection plans offered through Target are only for items purchased from Target. Fitbit also offers SquareTrade protection plans on their website. Since you are purchasing your Fitbit directly from the manufacturer, I would advise you to purchase the SquareTrade protection plan from them as well. Regards Frank SqurateTrade Team
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 6 years agoBrand expert
Q: Do these plans start after the manufactures warranty or does it run concurrent?
A: Hello Hiker, SquareTrade warranties starts from day one and run parallel with the manufacturer warranty during the manufacturer warranty period. We cover you beyond the manufacturer or return period with reseller. Thanks Frank SquareTrade specialist
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 6 years agoBrand expert
Q: Who would we contact in the event of an issue? Will we receive a hard copy of our protection plan via UPS/U.S. mail?
A: Hello, you would contact Squaretrade if you needed to file a claim. We send the warranty contract via email but we can send a hard copy if you would like that. Thanks, JD
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 6 years agoBrand expert
Q: Is this the plan for a chest freezer?
A: Hi, this plan would not cover a chest freezer but we do have appliance warranties that will cover the device. Thanks, JD
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 6 years agoBrand expert
Q: will this cover the Hp chromebook I am about to purchase?
A: Hi, We offer you a better-suited warranty for this item at the time of sale. When purchasing the Chromebook, the warranty will be provided to the right-hand side. Thanks, JJ
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 6 years agoBrand expert
Q: If my child cracks their screen by accident will this warranty cover it.
A: Hi, the plan you have selected only covers mechanical and electrical defects. However, we do have plans that cover accidental damage. ^JD
submitted bySquareTrade Specialist - 7 years agoBrand expert