Unique Bargains : Wall Hooks & Hook Racks
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Unique Bargains : Wall Hooks & Hook Racks
Wall hooks and hook racks might seem like a small addition but they are high on functionality. They are versatile, takes less space and help you keep your space organized. At Target, find an endless variety of hooks in different shapes, sizes and designs. When buying wall hooks or hook racks you need to decide how many you want. Then comes the types of hooks. Let’s start with single hooks. From hanging coats and hats to hanging a hand towel next to the sink, single hooks give you flexibility. To make efficient use of space you can go for double hooks or with multiple prongs. These can be mounted onto a wall or horizontal rack. Don’t have much space for wall hooks? Over-the-door hooks are just what you need. You can opt for hook racks that offer an optimized storage option. You can hang your clothes or wall decor while using the racks to store keys and gloves. Next up is the material, you can choose from metal, wood or plastic based on your usage. They also come in different designs that will add to your decor. Although white and black hooks are common, you get them in different color options. Whether you install on a wall or on the back of your door, browse through our store to find the hooks that meet your style and requirement.